PAGEANT - Dallas Theater Center

Public Works Pageant

Dallas Theater Center produces a large scale participatory theater production at the Wyly Theater, in partnership with the AT&T Performing Arts Center, featuring 200+ community members expressing their artistry on stage alongside DTC professional resident artist, and with the support of community volunteers behind the scenes.

Summer 2024, Dallas Theater Center will be producing Disney’s The Little Mermaid July 12 – August 4, 2024.

What does it mean to be a part of the DTC Pageant?


The pageant cannot be performed without the Dallas community contributing to every aspect of the production. In addition to performing onstage, we invite anyone interested in helping during the rehearsal and performances to sign up as a volunteer!

The areas of volunteer opportunities:


  • Space Set-up
  • Childcare Support
  • Hospitality
  • Elevator Operation
  • Costume Support
  • Box Office Support


Additionally, there may be opportunities for community members to participate in free production workshops at the Wyly Theater to add their creative viewpoint to this summer’s production. Information about future opportunities will be on Dallas Theater Center’s social media.